Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Top Four

1) Family
Family is above all, before anything else.  I would never betray a family member to get what I want.  I know it goes both ways too.

2) Education
My high school education is nearly over and next is my college education.  All education is very important as it will be very crucial to getting my college degree and job.  I will be majoring in Spanish Secondary Education at Central this fall and will be trying my best to succeed.

3) Friends
What would I do without friends?  I never want to find that out.  I am thankful for the friends I have and that we all support each other.

4) Entertainment
This includes books, movies, and TV.  I don't read books by the week because I rarely have time to do so, but when I am reading I am engrossed into the book.  I love my TV shows, though, again, I rarely have time to catch up on my show.  My favorite shows are mostly on basic cable TV like Scandal, How to Get Away..., Forever, and others.  Recently I like The Americans on FX.  I am on Season one right now as I am catching up on Amazon Instant Video.  I don't know what I would do without TV shows either.  Movies are something that rarely changes.  I am not an avid movie watcher.  I like to watch the same movies over and over that I really enjoy such as LOTR, Hugh Jackman movies, and comedy movies.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Popular President

I believe that the United States President that had the greatest impact was President George Washington.  Washington was our first President; and therefore he was the set-in-stone of most of how our government operates.  The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were written and signed during the time of Washington.  Vice Presidents and cabinet members were added because of Washington.

I think that the hardest thing about being the President is stress and pressure.  They have to think of the people and what the people want.  Yet, they also have to keep in mind what is for the good of the country.  Being President sounds too stressful to me, so I would never want to be the President.  If I were to run for President, my campaign pitch would be something along the lines of "bringing the change we wish to see".  That statement refers to our country.  I would say "we" because that includes every one, not just the government.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Charity Event

$100,000 to give away, I would give it to a charity. The charity I would give the money to would be St. Jude's Children's Hospital and wounded veterans charities. I would split the money in half so each would have $500,000. Both of those need the money, just as all charities do, but they are two that mean a lot to me. It is sad when children have cancer, and it is financially hard for families to pay for treatments. St. Jude's is a very good hospital to care for those sick children. And since my grandpa is a veteran, I'd give to a veteran charity as well.